8 Ways to become a 5-Star Chapter (in the most entertaining and effective way)

by Jaime Battaglia (Beta Mu), Membership Manager

The 1917 Club is the most prestigious group.  11 chapters earned 5-star status last year.  How did they do it?  What is the secret?  Well, here are some fun suggestions on how to “get er done” and rock those 5 gold stars.

1. Create a CAP Queen

All DPhiE sisters love to be more involved and have positions, so why not create one that is extremely valuable to improving your CAP score? Having a CAP Coordinator or Chair (Some chapters even call her the CAP Queen) allows each chapter to delegate such an important task to one member. Predetermining all the events with Leadership Team in the beginning of the semester, printing out all the CAP paperwork and having it organized in a pre-decorated LT binder, seems to get the job done. Having one person in charge of this eliminates stress, you know what happens when there are too many cooks in the kitchen!

2. Have a PEARL entering Pizza Party

It’s that time of the semester again …. to enter those 21 PEARLs into dashboard.dphie.org.  As Delta Phi Epsilon sisters, we all know that we are always out and about completing our PEARLs that we often forget to enter them for submission. Like any other issue in life, this one can also be fixed with pizza! Having a Pizza Party dedicated to PEARLs is a great way to ensure all your sisters have completed this very easy, yet easily forgotten task for extra CAP Points!

3. Keep it simple, silly!

Don’t make more work for yourself than you need to! Many of the CAP requirements can be completed with effortless events that do not fill your calendars. Service and social events seem to take a lot of planning and funds are usually involved, so our advice is to keep it as simple as possible. Instead of taking up another day of the week for an event, use the chapter meeting to your advantage.


1) Bring crafting supplies, such as colored construction paper, markers and stickers. Each sister can write a heartfelt letter to a soldier fighting across seas or a sick child in the hospital. It’s the little things in life that people remember the most!

2) Cancel chapter and have a PJ party with another sorority on campus. Not only are you increasing your Greek relations but you are completing one of your mandatory social events for points!


4.  100 “A’s” to a better GPA

Every chapter racks their brains to try and improve their overall GPA. Thanks to our lovely Alpha Epsilon sisters at Kennesaw State University, we have the 100 A’s!! (The actual number (100 in this case) represents the size of your chapter) Set the number of A’s you would like your chapter to reach in the beginning of the semester. Sisters can take pictures of received A’s (tests, projects, essays) and send them along to the VPAA. Once the chapter reaches 100 A’s, rewards are given!! ($5 Deepher Dollars, a social, buy the chapter calendars/planners). GPA’s will sky rocket and so will your CAP scores!!


5. Attendance is key!!

As we all know, the planning of events is really hard and time consuming. So what is the point of going through all that hard work, if no one shows up? The amount of active sisters in attendance at your CAP events reflects the amount of points you receive. Come on sisters, show your VP’s some support!!

Incentive: Whichever sister is present at the most CAP events receives a reduction of dues at the end of the semester!!

6. Double Dipping!!

Double Dipping (verb) – the ability to use 1 DPhiE event for 2 or more CAP Requirements.

This is the easiest way to increase CAP scores. It may seem like you’re cheating the system but we promise, you aren’t!


  • ANAD event
    1. Service: fulfills requirement of having one ANAD per year
    2. Social: fulfills requirement of hosting/ co-hosting a community wide event (3 per year)
    3. Self: fulfills Health & Wellness program requirement for sisters (required once a year)

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!!

Behind every great idea is the amazing chapter who came up with it! Delta Phi Epsilon has close to 100 chapters, each one having their own set of innovative events. Find another chapter near you and exchange tips of the trade (go to Engage U!). Not only will you find great ideas in each chapter, but why not go to the biggest harbor of them all? Keep calm & call your MM!  As Membership Managers, we love helping and giving all the advice we have. It’s our job!

8.  A little motivation never hurt anyone.

Friends jumping

What’s a better way to stay motivated during the year, than by keeping your eyes on the prize? The oh-so-fabulous “1917 T-shirts” were created by Kelsey Adams from DPhiE Designs and are only for chapters with 5 Star status. Gaining this title is definitely something to celebrate and this is an easy way to ensure your chapter stays motivated. These can be ordered by emailing our Dphie Designs staff at Custom@dphiedesigns.org.  Of course, you need to earn the status first!

May the odds be ever in your favor


Kristen Bell Wink