12 Reasons to Work for DPhiE (and love it every day)

by Caitlin Elliott (Gamma Xi), Collegiate Development Consultant at the University of Florida

Have we got the experience of a lifetime for you!  Working for your sorority is the best job you will ever have in your career.  You will learn and experience more in a year than you will in a lifetime.  Take it from me…

Here are 12 reasons why you should consider working for IHQ as a Collegiate Development Consultant (CDC)

1.   You can call yourself a full-time sorority woman.

2.  You will be a role model to over 100 sisters and they will always remember how you helped their chapter.


3. You are being paid to work for an organization that you love more than anything.

4. You learn to love coffee (and all other forms of caffeine).

5.  You still get to celebrate Bid Day even though you graduated.  Who doesn’t love free DPhiE swag and t-shirts?

6.  So. Many. Gifts.

7.  You will always have a network of other consultants across the country that can relate to your problems and help you through them.

8.  The women from your chapter will give you extra love and attention because they miss you while you’re away helping another chapter grow.

9.  You become a professional crafter and leave a little bit of glitter behind wherever you go.

10. You help women meet their future best friends and become the best version of themselves.

11.  You get to share knowledge about our philanthropies and help women love themselves.

12. You learn that life as a CDC is not always easy, but you learn more than you will in any other job.  And it’s worth it.

12 - not easy

Email Andrea Alhadari at aalhadari@dphie.org for information on how to apply to be a Collegiate Development Consultant for Delta Phi Epsilon International Headquarters.  Or click here. 


50 Thoughts You Have Going from Senior to Alumna

by Maureen Anderson (Alpha Tau), Director of Alumnae Services

As we see the last of our 2014 graduates enter alumnahood, and our Class of 2015 preparing for their exit, we know what you are going through.  We know our “seasoned” alumnae can testify to the myriad of feelings they experienced as they left college.  Read through this list and add your own.

  1. I’m soooo excited to be done with classes!
  2. Finals. I’ve got this…
  3. Last sorority meeting of the semester… I’m off of Leadership Team, and have no other coordinator positions! 3_over
  4. I only have student teaching/clinicals/internship/ect. left to do next semester.
  5. Cue the Netflix! 5_nopants
  6. When was the last time I ate?
  7. Eh, I’ll just order food. 7_netflix
  8. When was the last time I showered?
  9. I won’t shower until I need to go out.
  10. Well I’m done re-watching every season Gilmore Girls, I probably should start applying for a job or for grad school.
  11. OMG how do I write a cover letter?
  12. I seriously need to study for the GRE/LSATs. 12_business
  13. Copy. Send. Repeat.
  14. I’m dying. No one is ever going to hire me. 14_crying
  15. Do employers really look at LinkedIn? Do I have to have a profile?
  16. I think I’ve sent like 200 of these things. 16_dog_meme
  17. My first day of my last semester… Okay I better pull it together. 17_realworld
  18. It’s 2:14PM. I really want a nap.
  19. Do they have naps at jobs? 19_naps_normal
  20. Why does my new boss hate me?
  21. Are all jobs like this?
  22. I miss my little. 22_little
  23. I haven’t seen her in weeks it seems like (actuality, like 2 days).
  24. Proceed to text Little the following: 24_text
  25. Immediately seeing my Little later tonight.
  26. Catch up on drama of chapter.
  27. I’m so happy I’m not in the middle of the drama. 27_drama
  28. Sort of miss the drama. 28_dramabest
  29. Back to work. Three more weeks to go.
  30. Get email about Senior to Alumna ritual.
  31. I’m so happy I can see everyone again! 31_happygroup
  32. What am I going to wear to ritual? 32_ritualattire
  33. Who’s going to talk about me?
  34. What are they going to say?
  35. I hope no one says anything mean.
  36. No one will say anything mean.
  37. It’s here! I can’t believe it’s over.
  38. Wow, those words were very powerful. 38_justcant
  39. I feel so happy and sad now. 39_happysad
  40. Omg I can’t believe I touched so many people. 40_happy
  41. I’m going to miss everyone else so much.
  42. LOOK AT HOW MY LITTLE DECORATED MY CAP!!! 42_decoratedcap
  43. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! 43_lovelittle
  44. Was I hugged this much at initiation?!
  45. I’m wearing my cap and gown, this feels like a dream.
  46. I’ve never seen my parents so proud. 46_proud
  47. My sisters are the loudest in the crowd.
  48. Who brought the horn?
  49. Obligatory cap photo with my fellow grads. 49_gradcaps
  50. I’m so proud to be an alumna of Delta Phi Epsilon! 50_ellewoods

What’s next?

After graduation is just the beginning of your Delta Phi Epsilon journey.

Sisterhood is a lifetime. Be sure to pay your annual dues of $19.17 (yes, it’s like that on purpose, easy to remember right?). By paying alumna dues, you are directly supporting alumnae programming which in turn, goes right back to help you. TRIADs YAY!


Join local alumnae associations in your area. No matter where you move or what job you take, we have sisters worldwide, ready to welcome you and help you along.  Isn’t one nearby, start one! There are lots of sisters who are just waiting for someone to reach out to them. They are also a great way to continue our PEARL program with the alumnae 5 C’s (Character, Cultural, Career, Connections, and Civic) and to get involved with local city Alumnae Panhellenics. Can you say scholarships?


Volunteer for a Chapter Advisory Board or committee. Are you full of wonderful knowledge from sorority or work experience? The strength of our chapters depends on knowledgeable mentors to help guide our Leadership Teams to success. Behind every 1917 Chapter, there is a great Chapter Advisory Board. Be open to working with chapters other than your own to grow your own sisterhood experience.


Advocate for alumnae initiates. Has someone in your family or a friend always supported everything you’ve done as a sister? Ask her if she’d like to become an alumna initiate. These women go through an alumna-tailored six-week New Member Orientation and become full alumna members after they are initiated. It’s a great gift to give anyone. AI_hugs

This is truly just the beginning. end_goldengirls

Contact Maureen Anderson, Director of Alumnae Services, with how to get involved after graduation and stay active as an alumna.

Maureen Anderson
Director of Alumnae Services

215-732-5901 office
215-805-1604 cell



10 Reasons I am Thankful for DPhiE


by Kirsten Cirelli (Alpha Alpha), Membership Manager

Let’s talk turkey.  This list should be one that everyone can understand.  In a month of giving thanks, let’s add our sorority to that list.

Here are 10 Reasons I am Thankful for DPhiE …

1.   I have an endless support system that I can always rely on for anything I may need (even if that is as simple as sharing hot chocolate on a bad day.)

2. I found my career path through leadership opportunities within the sorority and Panhellenic.

(obligatory Ryan Gosling gif)

3. I found my best friends, roommates, future bridesmaids, mentors, and sisters who inspire me to be something.

4. I am held to a higher standard which has given me a vision and the drive to keep working harder.

5.  This organization has empowered me to be the best woman I can be.

6. I get to explore my core values that align with Justice, Sisterhood and Love, which guides me in my day to day life.

7. I have a family away from home (and anywhere I go)

8. I have gained skills, and not just how to craft (true story). But I learned how to work on a team, time management, and organizational skills that I can relate to my personal and professional life.

9. I have endless opportunities to meet and network with new sisters who will make an impact on my life.

10. Of the countless memories I have made, the best ones are yet to come.

This Thanksgiving, we give thanks to our families, our friends, our sisters, and the adventures that are ahead of us.  Why are you thankful for DPhiE today? Share this on social media and tell everyone your story.




8 Ways to make your Fraternity|Sorority Advisor your BESTIE

by Thea Zunick, Associate Director of Student Life, Stevens Institute of Technology

Take it from an experienced Fraternity|Sorority Advisor, there are ways to work together to achieve success and mutual respect for your chapter and the institution.

In Thea’s role at Stevens, she serves as the Fraternity & Sorority Advisor among other responsibilities in Undergraduate Student Life.  She previously worked at New Jersey Institute of Technology and Iona College. She received her Master’s degree from University of Florida and her undergraduate degree from The College of New Jersey and is currently working on her doctoral program at Rutgers University. Thea is a member of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, and a long-time supporter of Delta Phi Epsilon.

1.  Communicate

It is important that your advisor knows what’s happening with the chapter. We don’t like to be kept in the dark, this scares us.

2. Office Visits

Fraternity|Sorority Advisors always love having company but what this really accomplishes is creating the opportunity to build relationships. The more your advisors know about your chapter and its members, the more they can do to help you. It’s also good to get to know us; we can be pretty interesting people too!

3. Volunteer

Always be on the lookout for opportunities to help out at events, whether they are run by your Student Life office or for organizations within the community where your campus is. This shows that you genuinely care about others around you. When an advisor knows that they can rely on a chapter for anything, you are golden.

4. Invite us places.

We love going places! Invite your advisors to meetings and events when you can. By knowing when these events are, we can stop by and show support. Besides, who doesn’t love being able to show support by attending male pageants and bake sales!

5. Meet with us.

This is a great way to keep your advisor in the loop and for you to get the inside ‘scoop’ as to what is happening on campus. (see what I did there)

6. Let us school you.

We spend a lot of time and effort traveling from conference to conference, reading blogs and articles, and watching webinars learning about different topics. Let us come share what we have learned with you through a workshop or an informal talk; you might be surprised at how much we know.

7. Make us proud!

Living your values, going above and beyond, and being the best versions of yourself is the most important thing you can do. This is what keeps us going as advisors and is why we do what we do.

7. Bribery.

When all else fails, bribe us!  Bringing small tokens of appreciation always goes a long way. Baked goods are always a treat! It shows that you care and put time and effort into doing something nice for us.


8 Ways to become a 5-Star Chapter (in the most entertaining and effective way)

by Jaime Battaglia (Beta Mu), Membership Manager

The 1917 Club is the most prestigious group.  11 chapters earned 5-star status last year.  How did they do it?  What is the secret?  Well, here are some fun suggestions on how to “get er done” and rock those 5 gold stars.

1. Create a CAP Queen

All DPhiE sisters love to be more involved and have positions, so why not create one that is extremely valuable to improving your CAP score? Having a CAP Coordinator or Chair (Some chapters even call her the CAP Queen) allows each chapter to delegate such an important task to one member. Predetermining all the events with Leadership Team in the beginning of the semester, printing out all the CAP paperwork and having it organized in a pre-decorated LT binder, seems to get the job done. Having one person in charge of this eliminates stress, you know what happens when there are too many cooks in the kitchen!

2. Have a PEARL entering Pizza Party

It’s that time of the semester again …. to enter those 21 PEARLs into dashboard.dphie.org.  As Delta Phi Epsilon sisters, we all know that we are always out and about completing our PEARLs that we often forget to enter them for submission. Like any other issue in life, this one can also be fixed with pizza! Having a Pizza Party dedicated to PEARLs is a great way to ensure all your sisters have completed this very easy, yet easily forgotten task for extra CAP Points!

3. Keep it simple, silly!

Don’t make more work for yourself than you need to! Many of the CAP requirements can be completed with effortless events that do not fill your calendars. Service and social events seem to take a lot of planning and funds are usually involved, so our advice is to keep it as simple as possible. Instead of taking up another day of the week for an event, use the chapter meeting to your advantage.


1) Bring crafting supplies, such as colored construction paper, markers and stickers. Each sister can write a heartfelt letter to a soldier fighting across seas or a sick child in the hospital. It’s the little things in life that people remember the most!

2) Cancel chapter and have a PJ party with another sorority on campus. Not only are you increasing your Greek relations but you are completing one of your mandatory social events for points!


4.  100 “A’s” to a better GPA

Every chapter racks their brains to try and improve their overall GPA. Thanks to our lovely Alpha Epsilon sisters at Kennesaw State University, we have the 100 A’s!! (The actual number (100 in this case) represents the size of your chapter) Set the number of A’s you would like your chapter to reach in the beginning of the semester. Sisters can take pictures of received A’s (tests, projects, essays) and send them along to the VPAA. Once the chapter reaches 100 A’s, rewards are given!! ($5 Deepher Dollars, a social, buy the chapter calendars/planners). GPA’s will sky rocket and so will your CAP scores!!


5. Attendance is key!!

As we all know, the planning of events is really hard and time consuming. So what is the point of going through all that hard work, if no one shows up? The amount of active sisters in attendance at your CAP events reflects the amount of points you receive. Come on sisters, show your VP’s some support!!

Incentive: Whichever sister is present at the most CAP events receives a reduction of dues at the end of the semester!!

6. Double Dipping!!

Double Dipping (verb) – the ability to use 1 DPhiE event for 2 or more CAP Requirements.

This is the easiest way to increase CAP scores. It may seem like you’re cheating the system but we promise, you aren’t!


  • ANAD event
    1. Service: fulfills requirement of having one ANAD per year
    2. Social: fulfills requirement of hosting/ co-hosting a community wide event (3 per year)
    3. Self: fulfills Health & Wellness program requirement for sisters (required once a year)

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!!

Behind every great idea is the amazing chapter who came up with it! Delta Phi Epsilon has close to 100 chapters, each one having their own set of innovative events. Find another chapter near you and exchange tips of the trade (go to Engage U!). Not only will you find great ideas in each chapter, but why not go to the biggest harbor of them all? Keep calm & call your MM!  As Membership Managers, we love helping and giving all the advice we have. It’s our job!

8.  A little motivation never hurt anyone.

Friends jumping

What’s a better way to stay motivated during the year, than by keeping your eyes on the prize? The oh-so-fabulous “1917 T-shirts” were created by Kelsey Adams from DPhiE Designs and are only for chapters with 5 Star status. Gaining this title is definitely something to celebrate and this is an easy way to ensure your chapter stays motivated. These can be ordered by emailing our Dphie Designs staff at Custom@dphiedesigns.org.  Of course, you need to earn the status first!

May the odds be ever in your favor


Kristen Bell Wink

7 Things EVERYONE should know about Delta Phi Epsilon

by Danielle Williams (Beta Mu), Administrative Intern

You think you know, but you have no idea.  Or do you?  Here is some basic “must knows” about DPhiE.

1.  DPhiE’s International Headquarters is in Philadelphia.

Not many people realize there is a team of people keeping Delta Phi Epsilon together as a whole – 28 Paid Staff to be exact!. Sure, each Leadership Team and Team Excellence does a great job of keeping their own chapters in check along with advisory board, but IHQ is responsible for creating new chapters, maintaining current chapters, keeping alumnae involved in the sorority and so much more.

2. Alumnae Associations are available after you graduate.

Alumnae AssociationsHave no fear, alumnae associations are available for DPhiE sisters upon graduation! IHQ is working hard to establish more alumnae associations across the country to be more accessible for Delta Phi Epsilon graduates.  Check out the alumnae pages and groups on Facebook or contact Maureen Anderson, Director of Alumnae Services, at manderson@dphie.org to find out where there is one nearest to you.  It’s not four years, it’s for life.

3. Networking and making friends is easier now than ever before.

Because of DPhiE, you will have the opportunity to meet with so many established, successful women. Networking among your own sisters is so important for your future, and it’s so easy to do with over 60,000 total initiates since we’ve been founded!

4. The Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation provides many opportunities for sisters.

ed foundation

The foundation sponsors DPhiE’s biennial convention which focuses on the personal development of members.  Engage U, also made possible by DPhiE EF, is an operation-based leadership session hosted eight time per year in different areas across the nation that provides members and alumnae with the skills needed to lead their chapter and to be engaged. The foundation offers sisters opportunities for scholarships to continue or supplement their education, with over 30 scholarships awarded last year alone.

5. We support National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)…


One of DPhiE’s international philanthropies is ANAD. Our chapters across the country participate in ANAD awareness and fundraising events throughout the year and promote positive body image.  Activities such as “Trash Your Insecurities”, Post-It notes on bathroom mirrors, Comfortable in your own “genes” fashion shows, and publicity campaigns speak to college women everywhere.   As a sister, it feels so great to align myself with a group of women who support such a great, positive cause. Check out the organization’s website at http://www.anad.org/.

6. …and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF).

CFF logo

Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that primarily causes sticky, thick mucus thats clogs the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.  CFF is the world’s leading organization in the search for a cure, and was founded by Phyllis Kossoff, a DPhiE sister from the Delta Chapter at Hunter College in New York. Phyllis’ daughter Stephanie had CF, which eventually took her young life.  In 1957, Phyllis stood before a  DPhiE convention and told her sisters about Stephanie and their growing CF family, and asked for help. The response was overwhelming, and DPhiE has been there ever since, fundraising, increasing awareness and advocating for those with CF.  DPhiE chapters hold balls and galas for Cystic Fibrosis each year and continuously raise money for the cure throughout the year. You can find out more information about CFF at http://www.cff.org/

7. Delta Phi Epsilon serves as a home to many women and can do the same for you.

a home

From our philanthropies to career opportunities, there is a place for every sister to shine. With so many welcoming, loving sisters around you, it’s hard not to succeed in everything you do!



8 Reasons Why You Should Live with Your Sorority Sisters instead of at Home


by Emily Freundlich (Delta Sigma), Administrative Intern

1. Always someone there to help with school work


With so many college women living in close quarters of each other (suite, house, residence hall or apartments), there’s bound to be an instance where you have the same major as someone or can talk to some about a class that they have previously taken. Staying up late to study for an accounting exam is that much better when you have friends going through it with you

2. Never eating alone

friends eating

I was always one of those people that was too embarrassed to sit at a table alone while I ate, but when you live with so many people, that never happens. No matter if it’s 2:30 in the morning or 3:30 in the afternoon, I can always find someone who wants to eat

3. It’s like living in a shopping mall

sharing closets

Why go out and buy more clothes when there are endless closets and options to choose from right in my own house? If you don’t like something in your own closet, just go down the hall. Living with sorority sisters is like your own Forever21 with a DSW next door.

4. Staying in on a Friday night isn’t as boring as it sounds

staying in on friday night

Maybe there’s nowhere to go this Friday night. You could go home for the night OR you could stay in with your sisters and have some fun. Kick back with a Friends or Law and Order marathon and a pizza and it could be just as fun. What you thought would turn out to be a boring night in, has become one of those “remember that time…” moments that you laugh about for days after.

5. It’s like having a live-in therapist

live in therapist

Sure, you could go to your mom or your best friend from home for any problems you’re having, but why do that when you can find someone to talk to in the house, apartment or suite.  Any time of the day, there is always a sister to lend a helping hand or just listen when you want to go on a rant about a test you studied so hard for but still ended up with a C. Or if you just want to vent about the guy you’ve been texting because he took you to Panera but hasn’t texted you back in 2 days.

6. Getting ready to go out is more fun than the party itself

getting ready

You thought it was convenient to get ready at home by yourself within 20 minutes, but what fun is that? Living with your DPhiE sisters and getting ready with everyone adds at least another 2 hours between finding something to wear, doing make-up and having dance parties. It’s hard to not jam out when 90’s Pandora comes on. There’s just something about Justin Timberlake’s voice in Bye, Bye, Bye that says “stop putting on eyeliner and do the choreographed dance from the music video”.

7. Always learning something new

learning something new

This may not be something big to someone else, but I can honestly say that learning how to make coffee has been a huge help to my life. Others could be learning bigger things like how to network, create an awesome resume, or how to make your sock-bun game strong. Whether it’s something big or small, learning is learning and you can’t beat that.

8. James Bond? No. Sisterly bonds.


Living with your sisters ties such a strong bond between you and everyone you’re living with. You can learn so much about them and all you’re doing is just having lunch together. These are the people you go to when you’re in any type of mood. These are the ones that are there for you at any time of the day. The more bonds you have (and not investment bonds, because those are boring) the more support you have; like the support a bra gives you, but more comfortable.

8 Myths Your Parents Probably Told You About Sorority Life

(but DPhiE proved wrong)

by Kira Greenlee (Delta Nu), Administrative Intern

  1. You will be hazed! Joining a sorority can diminish your self-worth.

Contrary to what society and the media will tell you today, joining a sorority does not have to be emotionally abusive. As a new member (not a pledge!) of Delta Phi Epsilon – instead of being torn apart for your flaws, you are shown pathways to success, how to be your best self and celebrate who you are through personal development.

2. Sorority girls are airheads.

Some of the most influential and brightest women I have met in my life are my sisters. Underneath the social attire is a hard-working, intelligent and success-driven woman. Think Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, you can dress cute and be smart. I bet you didn’t know that Condoleeza Rice, Katie Couric, Kate Spade, Tory Burch, and the woman who saved us all and developed Spanx, Sara Blakely, were all sorority women.

3. It’s all about the parties.

While automatically having 100+ new friends to celebrate the weekend with or an automatic connection with a fraternity is an added bonus, we still have lives Sunday through Thursday. There’s nothing we enjoy more than binge-watching Netflix at someone’s house after midterms, crafting for our future littles or going out to dinner in the city for a special occasion. But we also spend a lot of time together doing philanthropy work – raising money for ANAD and CFF and volunteering in our communities, and we love it just as much.

4. You’re paying to have friends

    Yes, joining a sorority isn’t free. But what am I getting out of it? Sure, some shoulders to cry on, a few memorable parties and the occasional t-shirts that I can turn into a quilt for my daughter some day, but I am also getting a large group of women who will ultimately be my friends for life, and a support network of 100+ women which could lead to job connections and a future career opportunity. Our dues also go towards supporting the larger Delta Phi Epsilon international network of women, hosting events to raise awareness for our philanthropies and community service, and contributions for scholarships to future college women. I think it’s worth it.

5. Unnecessary frienemies, rivals and stereotypes.

We all remember when the snobby Phi Iota Mu house mom in the movie, House Bunny, turns away Shelly at the door.  Shelly then finds herself amidst a sorority rival between the Phi Iota Mu and Zeta Alpha Zeta. Now, if this happened in real life – why are there currently over 300,000 undergraduate members of the National Panhellenic Conference that is the umbrella organization for 26 sororities? I don’t know anyone who would want to partake in this. Every sorority woman joined for the same reason, to find that bond, to find their sisters, to find their best friends and to find a smaller home for themselves within the overwhelming community that is college. So what’s the difference between each sorority? The colors? The mascot? Every sorority woman will tell you that they are all part of something larger than themselves and are striving to do good whether it’s through philanthropy, community service, etc. There’s a whole world out there full of nonaffiliated students who want nothing more than to hate on Greek life but no matter the letters, we all stick together

6. School won’t be important to you anymore

    When I first joined Delta Phi Epsilon, I was worried about time management and how I would survive the infamous sleepless nights of studying and cramming. However, I quickly learned that the other women in my organization were doing the same thing. Delta Phi Epsilon chapters want to ensure that each of their women are fulfilling their academic potential, because hey, isn’t that why we came to college in the first place? Class, exams and papers always come first and your sisters are always there to bring you food to the library at 2 AM, send you their study guides or lend you a text-book.

7. Employers won’t take you seriously

      As a graduating senior this semester, I can ensure you the opposite is true. What is more impressive than a resume filled with leadership experience, volunteering, philanthropy and hundreds of thousands of connections within the Greek community all before your 21st birthday? You were Director of Finance and managed a cash flow of $50,000 a year? You were Vice President of Membership Development and managed and education 50-100 new members over a six week period? You were president of an organization and lead over 150 women? You were fundraising/philanthropy coordinator and raised over $10,000 for CFF? You go Glen Coco. How many other applicants can say any of this

8. Sorority girls are fake

faith in yourself elle woodsAlright, alright Deephers settle down. We all know we take this accusation very seriously. Our motto “Esse Quam Videri” is something we live by every single day. In Latin, this means “To be, rather than to seem to be.” In other words, be authentic, be you and be your best self. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not when you can actually become that person. As sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon, we become the women we looked up to as new members.  We become women who are proud of who they are.  And lastly, but most importantly, we become women that Delta Phi Epsilon encouraged to become the best versions of themselves.

7 Ways to Be All About the Benjamins (for Philanthropy!)

by Letty Scanlon (Phi Tau), Administrative Coordinator

1.  Having an event at a restaurant is great because everyone has to eat! 

Reach out to the restaurants near your campus and see what they offer! Pick a night and promote it on social media and throughout the campus.

2.    Catalog Sales: Everyone loves candles, popcorn, pizza, and cookies!

There are a variety of companies that will give you 30%- 50% back! More companies now give you a feature to just share a link so that Aunt Suzi in California can purchase too! 

3.  Host a good old fashion night of bowling.

Most bowling alleys LOVE to hold events and allow you to determine how much you want to charge per lane

4. Did I mention everyone has to eat?

Bake sales are the perfect cure for those sweet tooths. The night before the event, have a sisterhood event with your sisters filled with baking and decorating!  Make sure you get clearance with your campus on where you are allowed to set up a table. 

5. Partner up with another organization and hold a pie in the face contest.

See if you can get a faculty member to participate and charge more to pie them.

6. Raffles off baskets after an event.

Reach out to the other Greeks on campus, your school, and local business for donations. Get crafty and have fun with the themes!

7.  Last but not least, JUST ASK!

Tabling with coin jars during lunch is the fastest way! Get crafty with mason jars and have a few sisters walk table to table asking if they have anything to donate towards the cause. You will be surprise how many people don’t like to carry change and change can add up quickly!

Remember that college students value every last DIME in their pocket and although they may have extra funds to spare, they may prefer to use it for their own purposes.  The key to convincing them to donate is to make the cause relative to them or fun and entertaining.


8 Tips from a DPhiE Senior to New Members

by Danielle Williams (Beta Mu), Administrative Intern

1.  When you don’t feel like going out, go anyway.


There’s nothing worse than getting to your senior year and realizing there were so many things you missed out on simply because you didn’t feel like going. Even if it’s for an hour, go out and have fun with your sisters.

2.    There will be rivalries among the sororities on campus—ignore it.


There are plenty of sorority women on campus that will try to sabotage your sisterhood and talk about your chapter behind your back. Don’t stoop to their level and try to get even. DPhiE women pride themselves on justice, sisterhood and love. These principles are especially useful in a time like this.


3.  Be as involved as possible.


Whether it’s a fundraiser, a silly event during Homecoming or an embarrassing performance during Greek Week, sign up for it. Being part of the funny events will give you so many memories to look back on and will only make you closer with the sisters that did it with you. Let loose, have fun, and be yourself!

4. You can learn a lot from older sisters.


You may start off thinking you already know what life in DPhiE is going to be like. Or you may have no idea what to expect.  Just know that an older sister will always be there for advice and guidance. Your big sister, a member of the Leadership Team, or your chapter advisors are great people to ask!


5. Do not worry about what other people think.

If you want to run for Risk Management chair, but everyone thinks it’s social suicide, run for it anyway. Do what you know is going to make you happy and what’s going to make you feel good about contributing to the sorority.  Remember that all of these experiences will assist with developing skills that will be useful beyond college.

6. Privacy almost does not exist anymore—especially if you live in the house.


Joining DPhiE was like moving to a very small town; everyone knew everything about each other. Don’t be surprised when chapter members sit at the weekly meetings laughing, crying and consoling each other about events and transgressions from the past weekend. If you live in a house, know that the sisters you live with will see, hear and know everything about you and you will see, hear and know everything about them. You will find that being that comfortable and open with so many people will actually be a great experience. Don’t be afraid to open up!  DPhiE is a built-in support system for all of your life adventures.

7.  Always love your sisters no matter what.

You’re not going to like every sister all the time. Someone will do or say something that will really tick you off and that’s okay. You don’t have to be pleased with your sisters’ actions 100% of the time, but make sure you love them just the same.  Justice.  Sisterhood.  Love.

8. Don’t take this time for granted.

Before you know it, you will be a senior, looking back at your time in DPhiE and wishing you were a new member again. There will be times that are tough to get through. There will be times that you wish the clock would stop and you could live in that moment forever. There will even be times that you wish you could graduate and get out of college already. When that happens, remember that not everyone gets the chance to be a DPhiE sister. Not everyone will have the opportunities that you will have. Not everyone can say they have sisters and best friends for life. Enjoy every little moment because one day you’ll be wishing you were meeting the sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon for the first time at recruitment all over again.

Esse Quam Videri.